Lotus Moon by Heyoka Merrifield
  • Lotus Moon
  • Heyoka Merrifield

  • Item#:ME000015
  • Medium:Emerald, moonstone, silver
  • SOLD
  • The lotus is symbolic of enlightenment and the moon is an archetypal emblem of the Mother Goddess everywhere. The Greek name for Europa means full moon. Other Goddesses associated with the moon are Demeter, Ast... READ MORE
Lotus Moon
Heyoka Merrifield
Emerald, moonstone, silver
The lotus is symbolic of enlightenment and the moon is an archetypal emblem of the Mother Goddess everywhere. The Greek name for Europa means full moon. Other Goddesses associated with the moon are Demeter, Astarte, Albion, Luna, and Selene. It is said that the moon governs magic and that the crescent is the birth of a new cycle.